Our Commitment to Security
Tacton is committed to the security of our product and our customers’ data. Our commitment to security assures our customers that their information is treated with the highest respect and the protection it deserves. Tacton CPQ undergoes regular penetration testing, and Tacton, as a company, undergoes regular security audits designed to meet SOC 2 Trust Service Criteria, ISO 27001, and GDPR-compliance requirements. This commitment to security is ingrained in our culture.

Information Security Program
Tacton maintains an information security program that is communicated and implemented throughout the organization. Our information security program follows the criteria ISO 27001 and SOC 2 set forth.

Risk Management
Tacton has developed and implemented a formal policy and procedures around risk management to effectively identify, assess, and reduce organizational risk. Tacton conducts annual risk assessments on various organizational levels to evaluate both existing and potential risks and implement appropriate corrective measures. Corrective action plans are then formalized and assigned to responsible personnel for implementation and tracked on an ongoing basis by the Security and Compliance team.

Security Awareness Training
Our employees are required to go through regular employee security awareness training covering industry standard practices and information security topics such as phishing and password management.

Continuous Monitoring
We continuously monitor our security and compliance status to ensure there are no lapses.
Tacton understands the value of obtaining industry security certifications and maintaining local and international requirements. That’s why Tacton has invested in our infrastructure and protocols to ensure that our work with information security is conducted in a systematic and sustainable manner. Tacton has obtained and maintains following compliance certifications that demonstrate our continued dedication to security: