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The New Era of the B2B Sales Engineer: Five Things to Know

The COVID-19 pandemic had a far-reaching impact on business, including one that B2B sales professionals are still coming to grips with: a significantly altered buyer and buying process.

Moreover, the emergence of a digital-native workforce, which will constitute the majority by 2025, has greatly influenced how purchasing decisions are being made. Most buyers now independently complete the entire industrial buying process without engaging directly with vendors, and this trend has intensified considerably since the outbreak.

Industrial leaders must recognize and adapt to this evolving buyer behavior, with a focus on building trust and showing expertise in order to better engage with this new wave of buyers and effectively support their purchasing journey.

Jeff Summers, Tacton’s Chief Customer Officer, has identified five pivotal trends that are shaping the new era of B2B sales engineering. His article in SalesTechStar, “The New Era of the B2B Sales Engineer: Five Things To Know”, delves deeper into the trends and offers valuable insights on how firms and sales engineers can leverage these trends to their advantage, honing their competitive edge.

Author: Michael Brassea