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Tacton wins the Hermes Export Prize 2014!

The Hermes Export Prize is awarded from the Swedish Fund for Export Development. The goal is to encourage Swedish businesses to increase their export efforts.

This is accomplished by annually awarding grants intended to develop and strengthen Swedish exports.

The biggest and most prestigious award is the Hermes Export Prize.

The award has since 1981 been assigned to companies who have presented a positive and stable export performance.

So, as the headline reveals, this year it was our turn here at Tacton Systems to step up to the top of the podium and receive the beautiful bronze statuette delivered by H.M. Crown Princess Victoria Bernadotte!

The winning criteria

The jury, consisting of representatives of the Fund for Export Development, declares a winner among the nominees through the following critera:

  • Show positive growth of export/foreign sales over the past three years.
  • Export products and services produced in Sweden.
  • Export products and services to many different markets.
  • Demonstrate a good economic development with continuous positive operating.
  • Worked with a well thought out marketing strategy.

Besides the honor, the prize is a bronze statuette by the renowned Swedish artist Thomas Qvarsebo.

The CEO has the word

Here at Tacton Systems, we have always strived to establish an international business and to ship our products and services all over the world.

We’re of course very humble and proud to be receiving this award. It recognizes our export strategy which has been a key component for our success and continuous export growth“, says Christer Wallberg, CEO of Tacton Systems.

Christer continues:

“For a company like ours, with such a clear focus on complex online configuration and guided selling solutions, we can’t afford to just look at our local market. We always strive to look everywhere where our products are needed!

This award is proof that our hard work and marketing strategy is moving in the right direction. And it will help us to work even harder to provide even better service to our customers from all over the world!”


For interviews or comments, please contact Christer Wallberg, CEO of Tacton Systems at +46730324970.


Author: tacton_webdevadmin