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Meet the People at Tacton: Dunja Sparre Kvarda

If you ever visit the Tacton office in Stockholm it is likely the first smile you will see is the one from Dunja Sparre Kvarda, greeting you from behind her desk at the reception. If you are lucky she may greet you in your native tongue as she speaks several different languages!

You have been working here for two years. What do you do at Tacton?

My base at Tacton is behind the desk in the reception but a lot of my work is around the office. I take care of the practical things that makes the office a great place, and a nice social environment to spend your work days at.

My work, for example, includes everything from helping out in the planning of Christmas parties to make sure someone’s birthday, last day at work, or the likes of it, is not going unnoticed.

What do you like about your job?

To be honest, when I started at Tacton I thought this would just be one of those boring software companies but I have been quite surprised by how fun it is to work here and how nice and social everyone is!

I believe I am fortunate to have a job with almost exclusively positive work tasks. I mean, if you are a boss, a sales person etc some portion of your work tasks will always involve complicated trade-offs, handling difficult issues, stressful deadlines etc. I am not saying my work is uncomplicated but most of my tasks revolve around making the work place better so I get a lot of positive feedback all the time.

The feeling I have while getting ready for work in the morning is not that I am ”going to work” – I feel like I am going to a place to have fun and that is a obviously a really good feeling!

As a Croatian, you are a part of Tacton’s large international employee base. What is the major difference between working in Croatia and in Sweden?

The company organization in Croatia is generally more authoritative. In Swedish companies, like Tacton, the organization is flatter. The managers are more down to earth and you can have a casual chat with them in a manner that would be very uncommon in Croatia.

I like working in Sweden because I have more flexibility to control my work and take my own decisions. At Tacton I am informed on what to do and which problems to solve but I decide myself how to solve them.

Is there any cultural difference that you have found interesting with working in Sweden?

I find it funny that you have so many ”official pastry days”, like Kanelbullens dag (”cinnamon bun day”), Fettisdagen (”semla”) but also Lussebulle on Lucia day. I need to keep track of them in order to make sure they are served during ”Fika” (i.e. afternoon coffee break) those days.

At Tacton I am informed on what to do and which problems to solve but I decide myself how to solve them.

Lastly, do you know the names of all 200 people working at the Tacton office?

Haha, I think I know almost everyone’s name at least, perhaps not some of the most recently employed.


Dunja Sparre Kvarda

Office Manager | Master of Business Administration | Stockholm | 2 years at Tacton

Passionate about: hospitality, languages and books

Author: tacton_webdevadmin